Levels of Sweetness in Champagne & Sparkling Wine
Did you know how much sugar each type of Champagne and Sparkling wine contains?
Today, we've gathered it all for you! Let's find out which one tastes the sweetest and which one doesn't!
Today, we've gathered it all for you! Let's find out which one tastes the sweetest and which one doesn't!
Brut Zero (Brut Nature) (0-3 g/L)= This is the driest type of Champagne and sparkling wine, which contains almost no sugar in the wine.
Extra Brut (0-6 g/L) = Sweeter than the Brut Zero, but still low in sugar. High acidity and carbonation.
Brut (0-12 g/L) = The most basic level of sweetness that can be found in Champagne and sparkling wine, contains very little sweetness.
Extra Dry (12-17 g/L) = Still made with a lower sugar content, but able to notice a little hint of sweetness.
Dry (17-32 g/L) = Also known as Sec. In champagne terms, this can actually be quite sweet. However, dry champagne has lost popularity over the year.
Demi Sec (32-50 g/L) = At this level, the sweetness of the wine is easily discernible, and it pairs well with any type of dessert.
Doux (50+ g/L) = This is the highest level of sweetness that you can find in Champagne and sparkling wine! Goes super well with any dessert.
**All types of sweetness used for categorizing Champagne and Sparkling wine are different from Red and White wine